Wednesday, 22 July 2009


You know that deep-seated internal intuition that tells you tomorrow will be pretty ordinary. Things like having your children out too late on a school night.

Miss Sunshine has attempted to snooze on the couch right at dinner time ~ she was pretty grouchy at the idea of having to get up and eat. Working hard creating a nature trail and herb garden at school this week hasn't helped her any! None of the kids were keen to get up this morning.

However....despite all that, it was such a joy to watch Mr Busy and his cousin enjoy one another's company last night. They are just over a year apart, with the cousin being older...but you'd never know it for all the fun they had, having sword fights with chopsticks and using cloth napkins as a superhero cape for a certain Uncle. It's just a little bit funny to listen to a family member talking, who has quite the American accent on him!!! That never ceases to amuse me.

It's 7.30pm....We've done dinner, watched 'The Cook and the Chef' and I've finished a book to be reviewed. I'm going to work on getting the two reviews I need to get done, finished tonight. And I need to start my book club book for Friday night. So while the dishes pile up I read like a mad thing. Roll on Friday LOL.

And roll on the delivery of the necessary dishwasher part!

1 comment:

Left-Handed Housewife said...

I love it when we get the cousins together. It doesn't matter how long it's been since they've seen each other, they always seem to connect immediately and have a fabulous time. Glad you guys had a good visit!
