Monday, 6 July 2009

Menu Planning and Other Updates

This week my younger two children are at Holiday Club, run by our church. We compromise. They get to spend three mornings of the five there. I get to stay home all day on the other two. A reasonable agreement when we live 25 minutes from our church and I have to occupy my time down the hill for a few hours. Today I spent the morning with a beautiful special friend. Tomorrow I will shop and on Thursday I'm planning to spend the morning with another equally beautiful and special friend. I'm very blessed to have the kinds of friends who are happy for me to hang about for a whole morning! Miss Sunshine has also found a reasonable way to spend the time too. I organised to do a kid-swap one of my daughter's for one of a friend's son's.

In between all this socialising, I've managed to push aside the brain fog resulting from not enough sleep to put together a menu plan...

Monday: Forbidden City Chicken, vegies
Tuesday: Potato and Corn Chowder, garlic bread
Wednesday: Lamb Chops, cranberry wine sauce, vegies
Thursday: Baked Savoury Cheesecake, vegies
Friday: Homemade Pizza (a holdover from last night)
Saturday: Beef meatball stroganoff, pasta or mashed potato
Sunday: Roast Chicken, vegies

I will buy extra chicken and freeze a couple of meals in the Forbidden City Chicken sauce, ready for a can't-be-bothered night...or a night when the girls get to cook ;o). I'm planning to use the leftover chicken for my lunches for the following week, seeing as how I'm back at school. Hmmm...will have to come up with something for the kids two of the days while they're with me too.

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My mobile phone lasted an entire three days, instead of just one. Not as good as the five I was hoping to get out of it, but it is lasting a little longer now.

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I've just received my fabric parcel from Provincial Patch. They were just beautiful to deal with and can happily recommend them to all the Aussie's. Had I known where they were I would've had Dh stop in there last Friday ~ he was a way up there on business that day!!!! Stay tuned for a finished quilt block! I have made myself a deal though. I must do some school work before I sit down to more stitching. I really want to get this group of subjects mailed off this week and it won't happen if I keep stitching away instead. First thing's first!

1 comment:

Rel said...

This friend is sad to be missing out on a visit :( Oh, the vagaries of employment, especially on school holidays!

Have I told you Miss 11 has been having a ball making your coconut bread lately and wants to move on to bigger things!

Love and hugs