I'm not so much a Spring Clean-er, but rather a Whenever-I-Have-The-Inspiration-Clean-er. I'd been looking at my pantry for months thinking "I must get to that". Finally, thanks to some inspiration from Meredith at Like Merchant Ships I found the inspiration and desire I needed to delve into this dark little corner of my kitchen. Meredith had posted about her pantry dilemma here and then posted over the next day or two to reveal her progress.
On Tuesday, Miss Mischief and I completely emptied out the pantry. Mr Busy, in his usual intelligent manner, asked if I was going to leave everything on the bench now. "Oh yes, it's far more convenient to have everything out at my fingertips" I replied sarcastically. And then I gave him 'the look' that says: that was a pretty silly thing to say buddy. He merely giggled. Must get to cutting his hair.....
I shooed him out and cleaned the shelves and floor. Then we started putting everything back in. Tidily. Taking time to consider why I put things where I do. Thinking that I don't want to throw everyone off-kilter, or forget what I'd done with something. But I do have a wheat-free spot on the shelf now. I got rid of o-o-o-o-l-d ingredients and some things that had been stored in there for no reason other than Dh didn't want to get rid of those items and I didn't like them so refused to use them any longer. There's nothing worse than ugliness in the kitchen and I'm too old to persevere with things I hate. I think I've gotten to the age where I pursue things I love.
Do you know, I now have space on the very top shelf (not pictured). All the light globes and batteries are in a container. All the candles are in a container. The potatoes are on a SHELF!!!!!! Usually they stay in their bag on the floor amongst the rubble that congregates there.
Then because one cupboard is not enough of a clean-up we attacked Miss Mischief's wardrobe. On the promise that once it was done we would visit Savers (a huge 2nd hand shop) to replenish anything we would now see was lacking, she began. To my delight and slight horror, Miss Mischief turfed a huge garbage bag FULL of clothes. She only had half her clothes left. All things that fit and she likes. You know what? We don't need to go to Savers. She has plenty of clothes ~ she just couldn't find them amongst the things she didn't wear anymore.
The clothes have gone to a good home. My children joyfully thought we should be rid of the bag immediately and a trip to their Uncle and Aunt's place is always met with joy and enthusiasm. An employee of my BIL's has two girls and happily took the bag home with her yesterday.
On Tuesday, Miss Mischief and I completely emptied out the pantry. Mr Busy, in his usual intelligent manner, asked if I was going to leave everything on the bench now. "Oh yes, it's far more convenient to have everything out at my fingertips" I replied sarcastically. And then I gave him 'the look' that says: that was a pretty silly thing to say buddy. He merely giggled. Must get to cutting his hair.....
I shooed him out and cleaned the shelves and floor. Then we started putting everything back in. Tidily. Taking time to consider why I put things where I do. Thinking that I don't want to throw everyone off-kilter, or forget what I'd done with something. But I do have a wheat-free spot on the shelf now. I got rid of o-o-o-o-l-d ingredients and some things that had been stored in there for no reason other than Dh didn't want to get rid of those items and I didn't like them so refused to use them any longer. There's nothing worse than ugliness in the kitchen and I'm too old to persevere with things I hate. I think I've gotten to the age where I pursue things I love.
Do you know, I now have space on the very top shelf (not pictured). All the light globes and batteries are in a container. All the candles are in a container. The potatoes are on a SHELF!!!!!! Usually they stay in their bag on the floor amongst the rubble that congregates there.
Then because one cupboard is not enough of a clean-up we attacked Miss Mischief's wardrobe. On the promise that once it was done we would visit Savers (a huge 2nd hand shop) to replenish anything we would now see was lacking, she began. To my delight and slight horror, Miss Mischief turfed a huge garbage bag FULL of clothes. She only had half her clothes left. All things that fit and she likes. You know what? We don't need to go to Savers. She has plenty of clothes ~ she just couldn't find them amongst the things she didn't wear anymore.
The clothes have gone to a good home. My children joyfully thought we should be rid of the bag immediately and a trip to their Uncle and Aunt's place is always met with joy and enthusiasm. An employee of my BIL's has two girls and happily took the bag home with her yesterday.
you might want to move some of your baskets as ....onions stored near potatoes will produce a gas that spoils them both.
Tracy, would you and the kids like to come for lunch next Friday (10th)? I've invited Helen and Carolyn too. Let me know, Jodie.
Hmmm...never had a problem with potatoes and onions being close together before. I guess I'll keep an eye on them and see how it goes.
Jodie..that sounds fabulous. Will email you.
Way to go, Tracy! I think I need to purchase a cupboard to use as a pantry. I like your blog!
That looks great Tracy!! I will have to try to tackle mine next week, after our visitors have left... and after I've done a little bit of sewing!!
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