Thursday 18 September 2008

Dinner Date

I'm home, it's blissfully quiet. Dh is picking the girls up and took Mr Busy with him. That's what you get for popping in at school unexpectedly!!!!

Dinner for the staff went beautifully. I gave myself an hour to get everything organised and the timing was perfect. Just before the scheduled dinner time there was a small gathering of hungry men and a certain secondary English teacher drooling over what they saw. Mr Busy's teacher came up about 20 minutes late and whispered to me that the gossip was that dinner was really good and confessed that perhaps it was the best meal she'd had all term! They were all grateful to be well fed and were so grateful that they weren't getting 'just pizza' ~ they never know til the get to the Staffroom what dinner will be! One of the teachers was incredibly grateful that everything down to the salad dressing was homemade as she needs to avoid all manner of additives and happily tucked in to everything she wanted. Dessert was a choice of two cakes that had been leftover from Open Day a few weeks back and had been frozen. They defrosted perfectly and went down oh so well with a cup of tea.

I hope they feel loved and appreciated for all they do. As much as I love holidays and the break from helter skelter routines and busyness I am going to miss the precious bunch of staff I get to spend time with each week.


The Tin House said...

Hi Tracy, it's such a funny thing but I'm sure you'll understand it. Last night, about 9pm, I was hovering around the kitchen table using it to sew a pair of pants for one of my boys, and I found myself asking..."I wonder how Tracy's dinner went tonight?".

Lisa x

Anonymous said...

Well done Tracy,

Anytime you're down my way, the kitchen is your.


Tracy said...

You are so sweet Lisa!!!!

John, a visit to Tassie would be so lovely.....I might just have to share recipes instead! A trans Tasman trip is not the cheapest holiday to have.