Mr Busy has been taking drum lessons for the better part of this year. I have long resisted this development in our son. Every time he enthusiastically watched the drummer in my church music team I would point him to the guitarist instead. Guitars are so much more mellow and ... well ... quieter. I value peace and quiet. Goodness only knows why I thought I'd get any of that when we had three children!
In any case, the drum teacher is a young man who grew up in our church and this year began teaching drums privately at our school. Mr Busy adores his drum teacher, and is oh so keen to learn more than just how to play the bongo's!
Just a few weeks back, the drummer in my music team at church emailed us and offered us the use of his old drum kit. We decided it would be foolish to decline and gratefully responded with our desire to take up the generous offer. Yesterday was the day that Dh & Mr Busy headed off to pick up the drum kit.
Oh the excitement and joy on that little 9yo face! Oh the noise that comes from that corner of the house now!!!! However, there are two doors we can close between him and the family room so he can bash away without driving us too nutty. There is barely room for Mr Busy to move in his room now...but I'm sure he'll find a way to play with his lego, sleep and keep those drums!
I have to say, he's not half bad! Rather smooth, even. One day when he's a little more proficient I may even cave in and move the drums to the formal dining room where my piano is. I think I could handle having a companion to play with. I think that'll be a while off.
I value peace and quiet.
In any case, the drum teacher is a young man who grew up in our church and this year began teaching drums privately at our school. Mr Busy adores his drum teacher, and is oh so keen to learn more than just how to play the bongo's!
Just a few weeks back, the drummer in my music team at church emailed us and offered us the use of his old drum kit. We decided it would be foolish to decline and gratefully responded with our desire to take up the generous offer. Yesterday was the day that Dh & Mr Busy headed off to pick up the drum kit.
Oh the excitement and joy on that little 9yo face! Oh the noise that comes from that corner of the house now!!!! However, there are two doors we can close between him and the family room so he can bash away without driving us too nutty. There is barely room for Mr Busy to move in his room now...but I'm sure he'll find a way to play with his lego, sleep and keep those drums!
I have to say, he's not half bad! Rather smooth, even. One day when he's a little more proficient I may even cave in and move the drums to the formal dining room where my piano is. I think I could handle having a companion to play with. I think that'll be a while off.
I value peace and quiet.
Oh wow. I just cannot imagine! (Keeping my fingers crossed that my son never wants to play the drums!)
LOL Kez. It is truly not so bad. This house must be well insulated though.
We've only just gotten rid of a very large drum kit that was taking up half the family room. It was a friend's who had two so left one here. The rest of the family had a go and learning the drums. My daughter was quite good, she plays the piano. I wasn't sorry to see it go though. Apart from the noise there is the space it takes up! This was a large drum kit. I would rather listen to the piano.
Having them in the family room would certainly try the patience of everyone in the house, I think!
I remember seeing him play at school (was it the Soiree?) I thought he was definitely gifted . Must be God!!
Yes it was the soiree. When he played to his own little tempo. He's doing LOTS of practicing. Shame he doesn't put the same effort into playing his recorder!
I'm thinking about some sort of drums for Jack for Christmas. He clearly can drum, but he's not asked yet for a drum kit. I've been saying I wouldn't get him a kit unless he asked for one, but every time I hear him drumming on one piece of furniture or another, I think that kid really needs some real drums. Enjoy yours!
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