I love hand-quilting. I don't know why. It seems that most ladies who go through the quilt shop in Our Town send their quilts off to get machine quilted. I don't know....maybe it's the lack of control I am able to retain when handing over a quilt for someone else to decide what they will do with it. I do love sitting under a quilt-in-progress in the winter though. It's reason enough to have piecing completed through the rest of the year, just to be able to sit and be cosy in the colder evenings!
The quit above is the one I'm quilting right now. I bought the fabric about two years ago, just because I wanted a nice warm cosy quilt to snuggle under while watching telly. It's just for me...not for anyone else to commandeer or snaffle. The diagonal lines are quilted. The perpendicular and horizontal lines are just the basting that keeps the three layers together. That will get removed once the quilting is completed. Since the very outside border is quite wide I'm thinking maybe I might find a nice template and quilt a pattern in that area too.
just gorgeous
Oh Tracy, that is so beautiful!! I don't seem to have the patience for quilting...I don't know why because I can sit and knit, sew, make cards, etc for hours...but quilting...I still have a wall-hanging half done which I started at least a year ago. Maybe this winter I will finish it...I will come back here and look at your pics to inspire me! :)
you continue to inspire me with your quilting. This one is gorgeous! When I finally do my own quilt, I'm going to hand quilt it, too. Hard to imagine sending it away ...
Thank you ladies :)
Tina, perhaps you prefer something a little more challenging than 'needle in, needle out'?
Frances I'm so with you. All my hard work...only for someone else to have that much control over the finished product...
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