It seems that as Christmas draws closer the little flurries of activity around here will grow until they become cyclones!
We have some jungles...err..lawns to mow today. And then some vegie gardens to weed and mulch. 'Garden' is a bit of a loose term I think. There are rhubarb, beans and tomatoes somewhere in amongst the weeds. I also want to plant some zucchini. We need them to start producing a little later than they might otherwise, hence the late planting. Hopefully the rain will have washed away some of those pesky jumping jacks. Today is the kind of day where I am so grateful for children old enough to do things. Mr Busy mows, under supervision and we are all capable of pulling out weeds, and understanding which plants need to stay.
I slipped down four steps out the back yesterday. They've become quite slimy and slippery this winter, so one of us will take to them with a scrubbing brush. I have the bruises down my arm that will insist that this job be completed.
And finally, lots of present wrapping and cooking in preparation for the family Christmas gathering tomorrow. Dh's family made the wonderful decision to meet before Christmas....we get to actually spend time together this way rather than rushing off, and we're all there, which would not be the case on Christmas day.
Oh Tracy, can it really only be 5 sleeps???????
This post is a call to action for me....or rather....a reminder to get into action AFTER this afternoon's barefoot bowling/drinks party.
In between now and 4pm (2.5hours) I must organise the children with dinner cooked, pj's ready, rooms tidied etc for the arrival of the parents in law who are doing the babysitting.
I rather thought I'd try and whip up a batch of truffles between now and then, but WHO AM I KIDDING????
Happy family Christmas party for tomorrow. I think it's a marvellous idea to have a lazy day together before the cyclone hits.
Lisa x
Lisa, you mind sounds like mine. I started thinking about today and ended up considering next week's going's on as well!!!!
I was thinking just yesterday why haven't heard about any gardens down under yet, and here you are with a report. My garden is brown for the winter. We've tried growing a few cold weather crops but the bunnies keep getting them.
Hope you recover quickly from your fall!
My garden is overrun with all sorts of wicket weeds :( I really need to mulch ~ desperately.
Actually I've been very slack with my vegie gardening this year. I side effect of being busy with other things in life I guess.
Goodness Tracy, hope you're ok after your tumble! I hadn't thought about the fact that my Aussie friends would have their gardens to see to around Christmas too! Phew, it's all go! Have a wonderful Christmas Tracy, and make sure you get some rest too! :)
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