Last night we went to 'Road to Bethlehem'. What a moving experience. All of us enjoyed it and got different things out of it. Mr Busy was all about racing on to the next scene as fast as he could. My girls enjoyed their time with Rel's children. Us grown up's were taken with the amount of effort it took to put the sets and costumes together and the copious number of volunteer hours. Not to mention of course, the true-to-the-Bible beauty of the Christmas story. As I said we all loved it and Mum was very glad to have been able to be with us for the evening too. I feel very blessed to have been able to take advantage of the opportunity.
This morning I had my sewing circle break up...well, the group is having two. One for us Mums this week and one for everyone else who don't have children at home next week! I got up this morning and made Maggie Beer's fruit mince to make mini fruit mince tarts to take with me. Ohhhhh they are so GOOD! I must send some to work with Dh for his Dad. Dad is always feeding Dh treats and such. I think he will appreciate a little reciprocation. I have checked with him today ~ he loves mince tarts.
So with my house smelling beautifully of Christmas spices, I decided I needed to unearth the Christmas CD. We breakfasted together with that going in the background. Dh and I also managed to sneak in some Christmas shopping for our children. They will finish school next week ~ it needs to be completed before then!
So yes, I would say I have dusted off the bah-humbugs and am now officially ready to get into Christmas. According to Mr Busy's teacher it is now officially the Christmas season (as of Monday!). It took me a few more days to catch up to her LOL. The tree will need to go up this weekend, won't it?
Sounds like a wonderful evening. And morning, too! Your tarts look delicious!
Those tarts of yours look so delicious! Mmm mmm! :)
The recipe is very simple, from The Cook and the Chef. I adore Maggie Beer!
Was fun, wasn't it :) Glad you were able to join us!
It's always the wonderful smells that put me in the Christmas spirit, especially of the traditional banana bread I make every year for friends and neighbors. My mom made it when I was growing up, and its scent blowing through the house definitely says "Christmas" to me.
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