Friday 21 November 2008

Worth It

I can now highly recommend that Warm Chicken Salad from Maggie Beer, that I mentioned yesterday. Of course, I made a few minor adjustments...some from the TV show and some because of the lack of smoked chicken!!!

I only had a fresh chook, so I mixed some garlic and lemon zest with butter and popped that in under the skin before roasting. That made for a deliciously moist and flavourful bird! On telly the other night, Maggie tossed the chopped chicken while still warm in a majo and dijon ... just to coat, not swimming. Then as well as apricots, Maggie also used prunes and green olives. I thought I had prunes and didn't, so I just had kalamata olives (my favourite) and popped them in at the end of cooking the apricots. Oh it was soooooooo good! My friend and I moaned and groaned in delight as we took first mouthfuls of different flavours! I will definitely be making that recipe again. It is perfect for lunch or a light dinner ~ males will find it hearty enough with the potatoes and women will find it light enough to suit their more delicates tastes. You could serve a robust crusty bread with real butter to round it out if you really felt you needed to.

Oh, and I used red oakleaf lettuce mixed with baby spinach. I'm not so much into rocket! you'll have to go and check out the link I posted yesterday for the recipe ;)

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