Thursday 27 November 2008

Stitching Day

Last week the invitation was opened up to our entire sewing circle group and I was not going to knock back the offer. Some of our Thursday gals were staying at the Quilt Shop in Our Town for the day to do their Christmas Stitching Day. A bit of a mix up with dates was the cause, but who am I to complain? The offer was: stay all day if you like, just bring something to share for lunch. So I opted for the stay all day with my own sewing to do. I took my chickpea and mango salad and with the vast array of delicious goodies to nibble on, I don't believe I'll need to eat dinner tonight. Perhaps a bit of fruit will be all I need to see me through to bed time!

What a perfect way to spend a day. I quilted....and we all laughed a lot. I might actually get this quilt bound before Christmas...maybe!


Speaking of fruit ~ apricots and yellow nectarines were the exciting find this week, at about $5-$6/kg they've reached my price range. The kids were very excited to discover these little treasures in the fruit basket this morning. And even more delighted when they were given permission to take an apricot in their lunch. Miss Mischief was in heaven...fruit is not her favourite thing. But apricots, apparently, will do the trick! Pity the season is so short!


The Tin House said...

Tracy, Miss Mischief and I are of one mind then!

I remember when I was about 10 or 11 years old, Mum and I had a terrible fight over something stupid. There was a lot of yelling (which was very unusual) and it wasn't a great day.

My lovely Mum never sleeps on an argument and sweetened my pre-teen temper with a bag of dried apricots, that I didn't have to share with anyone else! I was in heaven, and I made those fruit last about a week, and enjoyed every single morsel.

I think our local apricots are for sale by the roadside in the weeks just before Christmas. Oooh goody!

Lisa x

Tracy said...

I think that heady sweet smell of delicious stone fruits is what really sends me to the fruit basket. I just adore them. Partially, they are my favourites because they're smaller and sweet. Partially because I missed six years worth of stone fruit as a I do believe I will take a lifetime to catch up LOL.