Once Christmas has come, been enjoyed and gone again we Aussie's then look ahead to summer holidays. Guess what that means for us who live in the way south? Bathers.
I have faced my fear of buying bathers head-on. I won the battle by the skin of my teeth.
My last set of bathers was in the form of a long tankini top and board shorts .... ladies ones, of course. I bought them nine long years ago when Mr Busy was but a babe in arms. They were jolly expensive, as I recall, but they've lasted a really long time. They were perfect ~ swimwear that covers all the scary bits you don't want anyone to see from neck to knee! Last summer I noticed that the fabric on the tankini was stretching and deteriorating. I hate shopping for bathers so you can imagine I was not happy that they were not going to last forever!
Miss Sunshine had the onorous task of judging the suitablity of my choice this time around. She assures me they look OK and I figure a 13yo girl who would be happy to see Mum in that top would know. I found new board shorts to match and we became much the poorer for my expensive, but limited choice. Last night I was reading the tags...impressive claims about making one look their best. Not sure about that, but they feel comfortable and I reckon I could spend the day wearing them, as we're inclined to do on 37C days and not feel all wobbly and uncomfortable.
Hopefully I'm set for another 9-10 years or so.
I'll have to buy new cossies (as we call them in NSW!) soon, and while I get the impression you don't like your body, my beef with cossie-shopping is that I want something to swim in. The manufacturers are under the impression that women don't actually go in the water -- I mean, *white* cossies? Strapless ones that will leave you topless the minute you hit a wave? My present cossie is a navy racer-back Speedo 'Endurance'. The next one might be as well.
There's all those issues too Chookie.
My issues are more that I'm not so young anymore and have had 3 kids. Things just aren't where they used to be ya know and I'm a modest kind of gal. Modern swimwear is not so much designed for people like me.
There's all those issues too Chookie.
My issues are more that I'm not so young anymore and have had 3 kids. Things just aren't where they used to be ya know and I'm a modest kind of gal. Modern swimwear is not so much designed for people like me.
LOL Tracy, I'm 40 and have two kids, and I don't believe I'm immodest! But if you have a bust, then my current cossie wouldn't be good as it doesn't provide support. I'm going to need a Salvation Army cossie next time (to support the fallen...)
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