Tuesday 3 March 2009


What does one do, when she's at home with three bored children because of 'extreme fire threats'?

Listen to the rain ... yes, that's right. A little here and there since 7am.
A load of washing ~ washed and hung out under the deck.
Cleaned the kitchen and sorted the bottom two drawers.
Listened to the kids argue and bicker.
Watched two episodes of Little House on the Prairie.
Cleaned my ensuite.
Made lunch.
Listened to kids argue and bicker some more.
Answer 'No' again to the question "can we go somewhere?".
Try not to be as frustrated as I feel.

I think I'm going to watch another LHOTP episode. At least the kids stop arguing then. We are all so incredibly bored!


Jodie said...

Oh Tracy, I feel exactly the same. Just found out Sassafras Primary is closed tomorrow as well. Hope we're not!!

Anonymous said...

We could smell smoke today at Berwick..yet they said there weren't any fires...anyway, I hope you are all OK. I read you saw Little House on the Prairie...is it on TV? I loved that and the Waltons...


Left-Handed Housewife said...

LHOTHP will cure what ails you! Watch a few more episodes and then make the kids go out back and build a sod house and cure some hams, just like Laura would do.

Good luck!


Tracy said...

I agree Jodie...thankfully school's in today (Wednesday!).

Glenys I have up until the end of Season 5 on DVD. I'm half way through that last season now.

We ended up watching 4 or 5 episodes yesterday ~ it was the only thing they stopped arguing for!

Frances, the kids would have to slash grass with a sickle first, to get to the cubby house...which I noticed has MY gardening tool basket in there. Grrrrrrr. Certainly all that wholesome viewing has cured what ailed me :)