Thank You Tina!
I got a parcel in the mail yesterday afternoon from Tina at Red Wellies, Rainbows and Cinnamon Whirls. How incredibly exciting when Mr Busy handed me the mail!!!! Here is the very pretty present inside the package.
And here is what was in there. I had it on within an hour ready to cook dinner!
I had admired the apron when Tina posted a picture of it on her blog. She very quickly assured me that I should definitely have it! So Tina, my tongue-in-cheek comment that if you should find your apron missing it would have found its way to my house is really very true! It DID find its way to my house and I just adore it. It is pretty and comfortable and it even smells really good!
Thank you so very much. I will think of you and your beautiful generous spirit whenever I wear it (which will be often!).
PS. I also learned how to turn the flash off, on my camera. Would've never known that unless I'd needed to take a photo of myself without anyone else in the house!
Tracy, it was my absolute pleasure...I'm so happy it has arrived safe and well! Blessings to you my dear,
Love, Tina :)
Oh..and it looks so lovely on you...a perfect fit! :)
What a sweet gesture! It's very pretty!
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