Without further delay though, my fridge photos. I'm so glad Rhonda gave me the gentle push I needed! The fridge....ugh...see for yourself.
I'm embarrassed to say I think it's two years since I cleaned the bottom out. I even cleaned the seals and everything!
There you have it. Ever wanted to take a peek inside a typical Aussie home's fridge? Now you have!
The reason my day ran away with me? We had some school friends come for lunch. I made Singapore Noodles and we enjoyed the afternoon together. I'll post the recipe later today! I have to nick up the street for an appointment in 5 minutes, so I need to go NOW! LOL.
Editing to add the recipe:
Singapore Noodles
1 packet rice vermicelli noodles
3-4 lup chong Chinese sausages,
2 carrots, chopped into fine matchsticks
1 onion
snow peas (about a large handful)
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 teaspoons mild curry powder
Chop the sausage thinly, on the diagonal.
Cut the peeled onion in half and slice finely.
Slice the snow peas finely, also on the diagonal.
Soak noodles in a heat proof bowl, in boiling hot water.
Heat a little oil in a wok, or non stick pan on a high heat. (the wok works better, it's hotter)
Add the sausage and onions and saute until onions are soft. Add the carrots and saute for a couple of minutes. Then add the snow peas. Saute for one minute and then add the curry powder and soy sauce.
Drain the noodles and add them. Toss everything so it is evenly mixed.
Serve with sweet chili sauce.
If you can get the Chinese sausage (even our Safeway has it in the Asian section, so they're not that hard to get!), then you could just omit that. It's not in the original recipe, but we like it!
Hi Tracy, well done!! I love your fridge. What brand is it? I really like that little shelf at the very top, at the back, for smaller jars. I also like the bins and basket at the bottom. I've never seen a fridge like this before, though I must admit I haven't looked at fridges for about ten years now.
Anyhow, you've done a great job. It looks clean and neat and it's a credit to you.
Rhonda, it's a Westinghouse 500ltr upside down frost free(ie, freezer on the bottom). It's about 12 years old. But I love it.
Yes, I love that little shelf at the top there too. It's fantastic.
I have an award for you. Come and visit my blog to find out more.
Really? Wow!!!!! I'm amazed ... and speechless LOL.
I'm heading over to check it right now!
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