The kids had to collect all their lunch rubbish that was not recyclable in a bag to be weighed by the Year 5/6's. The next the next day they had to bring their lunch to school in reusable or recyclable containers and weight what rubbish there was again. I hope there will be something in the newsletter today about it to see how well we all did with it!
In our house, we dug out the Tupperware boxes and used those. They were such a hit that the kids have all agreed that we should continue to put our sandwiches in these containers. They opted for cling wrap for their recess snack ~ the containers I had were too hard for little fingers to open. So I will have to look at containers with more pliable seals I think. That was their only reason, and for the sake of their teachers, I think it only fair to ensure that they can open the containers themselves!
Our family is going green!
The school of your kids had a good idea! I have the same lunchboxes as you have (only green ones lol) and these are few of the Tupperware stuff i hardly use. I have some lunchboxes which are very flat and they ure used most for lunch. I've bought them years ago in a set with some other picnic things like mugs.
I find tupperware expensive but it's worth the money because it's stays good for such a long time.
Annikka from Holland
A Friend of mine's preschool has been trying to encourage parents to bring lunches in reusable containers for a couple of years now. She said the comments she get on how much money is saved on buying yogurt in bulk instead of six packs is amazing. They have a policy that says all food must come in reusable containers. This is training children young not to buy food that is over packaged.
What a great initiative your school has come up with.
Tracie xx
I'm not sure it was 'our' idea. I think it was something that came from somewhere else! In any case, I was rather impressed with my children and their desire to continue on with the idea.
Every little helps Tracy...I think it's great to encourage kids to think of better ways to do things, with the environment in mind. Well done!
Love, Tina :)
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