I've been deeply invested in my beautiful new Maggie Beer book this past day. We've had a friend's 13yo daughter staying for the weekend and she is now at the point of shaking her head each time I sigh or exclaim over the deliciousness of some new recipe I discover at the turn of every page. Or, indeed, the little gems of information waiting to be discovered by me.
I tried to explain to this lovely 13yo that her mother would be suitably impressed and be inclined to sighing and exclaiming along with me....but this young woman is 13...she hasn't reached the age of appreciating such things yet. She will!
My friend came to collect her daughter late this afternoon and when I showed her the cover she just looked at me. "N-o-o-o-o. Really?" Was her response and then she just had to turn a few pages, herself....before she declared "I am closing the book and stepping away NOW"! Her daughter shook her head again.
I've decided that I want to cook through each season of the book when the season arrives for me. Summer begins in just over a week here, and so by then I hope to have decided what it is I wish to begin with. Will it be roasted red capsicum with goats cheese and olives? Or perhaps red capsicum pate? The section on apricots looked appetising. It might even be possible to delight my family with a main course and a dessert....for no other reason than to celebrate the beginning of appreciating the joys of eating in-season foods more fully.
I love Maggie Beer's work she is such a wonderful but accessible cook. Seasonal eating is something that can be really challenging with conventional recipe books that have this crazy idea that english spinach is available at the same time of year as tomatoes.
Kind Regards
Can't wait to hear about what you end up cooking!
I'll be sure to let you know what I start with...it'll be true to the season though!
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