Why is it, I'd like to know, that when I get a cold it's not the kind where you take a couple of tablets every four hours and keep going. I seem to get whatever it is that lays you flat out and renders you completely unable to function. I haven't even been able to read!!!!
Hopefully by the end of the day, and with a bit of help, I'll be able to make dinner....a pot of soup.
I hate those killer colds, and I'm sorry that's what got you. I'm glad you're feeling better, though! Soup sounds good--as we say around here, it'll cure what ails you.
Don't get off the couch too soon! :)
I think because as Mums we push through the little colds - it's only the killer ones that lay us flat!
Hey - just read a week's worth of posts! Pitiful that life is so busy! Sorry to hear you have been unwell - the kids and I didn't make it yesterday either. Me with a migraine - them with snuffles. Sigh!
Lotsa love!
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