Here’s how it will work....
Becky has provided a list of her five MUST Read novels and five Keep Your Eyes on These Novels, then tagged five bloggers who she is asked to post her list on their site. They may then add one book to each list but must also subtract one book. Finally they should tag five other bloggers, link here at A Christian Worldview of Fiction, and comment to this post so visitors here know to check out how they may have changed the list.
If you aren’t tagged but want to play, copy the how to paragraph above, make your own list of MUST Reads and Keep Your Eyes on These, and tag away. It will be fun to see if we can generate some book wars … uh, I mean, discussions … good, healthy, respectful discussions! ;-)
The books marked with a * are ones that Rel agrees with being on this list. My additions are in a different colour.
Demon: a Memoir by Tosca Lee (NavPress)
The Restorer by Sharon Hinck (NavPress)*
Riven by Jerry B. Jenkins (Tyndale)*
Zora & Nicky by Claudia Mair Burney (David C Cook)*
When Crickets Cry by Charles Martin (Thomas Nelson)
On the Edge of the Dark Seas of Darkness by Andrew Peterson (WaterBrook)*
The Edge of Recall by Kristen Hetzmann (Bethany)*
Searching for Spice by Megan DiMaria (Tyndale)*
Shadow of Colossus by T L Higley (B&H Publishing)*
The Moon in the Mango Tree by Pamela Binnings Ewen (B&H Publishing)
Given that apart from Rel I don't really have any bloggy relationships with other book reviewers, I think I'll have to go with the 'consider yourself tagged' instruction! Surely there are some bookwormy bloggers that visit me who would like to join in!!!!
Hi Tracy,
Well I have three of the books on your list. "When Crickets Cry", "Moon in the Mango Tree" and "The Edge of Recall" but I have yet to read any of them. They have been purchased to read but haven't gotten that far.
I read Charles Martin's "Wrapped in Rain" and I loved it and bought "When Crickets Cry" to read.
I love everything that Kristen Heitzmann has written and have read them all except this latest one "The Edge of Recall". I would buy any of her books that is how much I like her books.
"Moon in the Mango Tree" by Pamela Binnings Ewen intrigued me so I bought it to discover rather or not I would like her writings.
I would join you in this reading adventure but we are going away for a week...maybe when I get back, we'll see.
It is interesting to see how our interests in books compare.
I've just finished Moon in the Mango Tree and the review will be posted at my friend, Rel's, blog. I loved it. Being an MK, I related to the setting and it's a fantastic story with lots to think about.
When Crickets Cry is by far the best read I've come across in the last few years. Charles is an excellent author and a lovely man as well.
Tracy, thanks for taking part in the Book Buzz Tag. I do hope more of your blog visitors will participate, too. No need to be a reviewer. Readers are the best judge of a book, I think, and what reader doesn't want to know what other readers think is worthwhile? ;-)
Nice additions, Trac. How much do we all love When Crickets Cry?!
I was surprised and very glad it wasn't there already!
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