Friday 17 June 2011

Fashion Update

Just so you know, I'm using the term 'fashion' very loosely here!  I buy what appeals to me if it feels comfortable and looks OK.  High fashion has never been my thing.  I scheduled this morning's post yesterday, before I went shopping last by this morning I had everything I needed in order to wear one of my new skirts to work today.

I wore the middle skirt from today's earlier post with my new leggings and those boots I mentioned.  Man are those boots comfortable!  My colleague & friend was spot on with her advice about leggings being nice and warm.  Thanks to her wisdom I also have tights ready for flat shoes with more openness around the ankle. 

Today I was warm and comfortable all day long.  I work in all four the classrooms I'm allocated to, on a Friday.  To be able to work in a Lower Primary room, up and down and on the floor in a comfortable skirt is fantastic.  I'm all set for my first day of placement next week.  My only dilemma will be to make a choice about what to wear!

Meanwhile, I think maybe that pink flowered, sparkley skirt might be the thing for an afternoon tea with some women from church.  I have a couple of new pink tops.  How did that happen, that I added more pink to my wardrobe??!

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