I have come to a cross-roads of sorts. I never really thought that I would be in a position where I would define myself as a 'working Mum', however, that is where I seem to find myself. Because of this I find myself asking questions I never really asked before. Even now, the question on my mind has me a little stupified. Is it a reasonable question to ponder or am I just being lazy? Is this self protection or is it me trying to get out of a job I don't really enjoy?
The question I've been pondering is this: I wonder whether I could have someone come in once a week and just clean my floors?
The reason this question assailed me in the shower one morning? I realised that working four days as well as studying is quite a time commitment. So is the 1.5-2 hours it takes me to clean the floors! Half of our house has wooden floors, so they must all be swept before they're mopped. Effectively, this means that part of the house is being done twice, instead of the once-over it requires to vacuum. I began to wonder if spending 1/3 of my one day off cleaning floors was a good idea. Now I find myself thinking that even though the idea of having someone do that one time-consuming job is a wonderful idea, I really can do it myself. There's nothing wrong with me and it's not like I can't do it.
I'm not really sure where to go with this constant inner battle now. However, I've never worked outside my home since I had children 13 years ago so I guess I need to redefine normal in terms of 'home' .
I have this sort of battle with myself, too. It's hard to justify paying someone to come in and clean (and since I work at home, it seems especially indulgent), but at the same time, I'm not getting the job done and it's not like I sit around eating bon bons all the time.
So far I haven't shelled out the dough to get someone to come clean my floors and bathrooms, but, boy, is it ever a temptation!
I guess the bottom line should be: if we can afford it, and it helps us maintain our sanity, is it really so awful? Besides, there's someone out there who really needs the money!
Of course, I really need that money, too ... sigh. I'll never figure this one out!
Love the picture!
Well, I'd be wondering if there's any other way to get the job done. Firstly, what responsibilities are being shared with other family members now that your work hours have increased? Secondly, what other options are there for this task -- could you mop less often, or vaccuum them instead of sweeping?
I've had cleaners at various times. It is an indulgence but its so lovely to have the whole of the house clean at once rather than you doing a bit here and a bit there.
My thinking was that we could afford it at the time, I employed someone local and it freed me up to have some fun time with the kids. When the kids are grown up are you going to remember the lovely clean house you had or the fun times you had together?
In my case, it would free me up to do the study I will now have to fit into my one day off, rather than one day and a few afternoon's. We're getting to that age and stage where more of us are using the computer after school for homework.
Chookie, believe me, I've considered many other options...which is why I'm considering this one.
I think you should give it a go. Be warned that it won't be cheap though...I pay my cleaner $70 for one visit a fortnight, to clean floors, bathrooms, kitchen and a bit of dusting. I think she stays about 2.5 hours. So, inevitably, the job is a pretty 'quick' one...every few months I have to spend a good day giving everything the elbow grease treatment. However all that said, it is SO nice to come home to a clean house. We don't have to be wonderwomen and it is not an indulgence or an admittance of weakness to get some help around the house. Your cleaner will probably be a mum just like you who is working while her kids are at school. Give it a go, make it clear to your cleaner it is a trial basis (say, 2 or 3 cleans). Then if you are not happy with the standard of cleaning or you feel it is not working out for you, you won't feel bad in terminating the arrangement. Good luck! Bronwen
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