I was telling a friend the other day that right now I'm just focusing on 'the next thing'. My weeks are so full of seemingly large things to get through (and enjoy!) that I just can't look too far ahead. I'm reminded of that verse "I can do all things through God, who strengthens me". Meanwhile, this picture appealed to me this morning. A simple afternoon picnic, relaxing in the shade on a pleasantly warm day sounds divine.
Mum & Dad arrived yesterday...while I has having a nap! They're here for a couple of days this weekend and will leave sometime early Monday afternoon. My brother's 1yo daughter is being dedicated at their church this morning and then we'll all head back to their place for lunch. Somehow or another Mr Busy's bed was moved to the dining room, Mum & Dad's beds made it up to Mr Busy's room and the toilet has been cleaned. I missed it all! Hopefully they won't go home thinking I'm losing the plot! The timing for this visit is a little challenging, for them and for me. They've just returned from two months working up north and not really up to company and having just returned from camp I'm feeling a little bit the same.
I've just received the first of my three next subjects and am trying to get a hold of the bookshop at the College to send me the other two. I've bent the system just a little and asked for the next group to be sent before they've marked the work I've just handed in. I really wanted to get a head start on it before the new family begin at school and my hours there change. I'm very excited about the major assignment, which includes preparing a cooking lesson with an ethnic-type recipe. Woohooo....I've already done the practical part of that with the Yr 3's last term!
Your photo is most tempting :)
I wish I had a whicker chair like this one I would set myself down for the weekend and simply daydream or read or something relaxing.
Just dropped by to wish you a happy weekend.
I love this picture! It's my dream of summer.
Hope the weekend was nice for all!
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