I have come to a cross-roads of sorts. I never really thought that I would be in a position where I would define myself as a 'working Mum', however, that is where I seem to find myself. Because of this I find myself asking questions I never really asked before. Even now, the question on my mind has me a little stupified. Is it a reasonable question to ponder or am I just being lazy? Is this self protection or is it me trying to get out of a job I don't really enjoy?
The question I've been pondering is this: I wonder whether I could have someone come in once a week and just clean my floors?
The reason this question assailed me in the shower one morning? I realised that working four days as well as studying is quite a time commitment. So is the 1.5-2 hours it takes me to clean the floors! Half of our house has wooden floors, so they must all be swept before they're mopped. Effectively, this means that part of the house is being done twice, instead of the once-over it requires to vacuum. I began to wonder if spending 1/3 of my one day off cleaning floors was a good idea. Now I find myself thinking that even though the idea of having someone do that one time-consuming job is a wonderful idea, I really can do it myself. There's nothing wrong with me and it's not like I can't do it.
I'm not really sure where to go with this constant inner battle now. However, I've never worked outside my home since I had children 13 years ago so I guess I need to redefine normal in terms of 'home' .