Friday, 3 April 2009

Final Friday

The final Friday of Term 1, that is. I can't believe the term is over. I'm not ready for holidays, but boy am I tired. I am looking forward to two weeks of sewing, reading, studying...oh that's right I have children. Ummmm...must add in baking, spending time with friends, allowing computer time etc. Actually, Miss Mischief said she wanted to do lots of baking so I'm thinking we should pack the freezer chock-a-block full of goodies for when we fall apart in about week 7 next term!

Today I have about an hour an a half worth of parent/teacher interviews to go to. Oh for the days when they were all in Primary school and it was a total of 45 minutes LOL. I've asked the kids if there's anything I need to discuss with their teachers and they tell me things like "If you could ask for less homework and easier homework....". Somehow I don't think that will go down too well.

Miss Mischief is also off to see the doctor about a blocked ear and a stuffed up nose that is not a cold. She's been going on like this for ages and the idea of being told to shove Rhinocort up her nose until the symptoms go away (which they don't) isn't my idea of a doctor-worthy visit. A blocked ear is a whole other story.


Crunchie's Mum said...

I do feel sorry for Miss Mischief with her blocked ear. I have had many. The simplest solution which a doctor told me is - chew chewing gum. The chewing action helps clear all your tubes. It does work, at least it did for me.


Left-Handed Housewife said...

I hope you have a great break. We have eight weeks to go before we get to summer vacation, and some days I don't think I'm going to make it!

Will's parent-teacher conference is coming up, and I'm dreading it! Last time we were the last parents of the day, and Will's teacher went on for an hour--but hardly said anything about Will except he was doing a good job in class. Oh, it was torture! Who invented the parent-teacher conference, anyway?


Left-Handed Housewife said...

p.s. I hope all goes well with Miss Mischief's ear! That doesn't sound fun at all.


Tracy said...

Miss Mischief has a history of glued up ears and having grommets inserted so I think this is just more of that same problem.

Frances, I love parent/teacher interviews, but that teacher sounds like they needed to vent and you were the unlucky one to bear the brunt. It can only improve.

The Tin House said...

Tracy, here's a funny story....a few years ago I had blocked ears (caused by a sinus infection) and was advised by a very well meaning friend to seek out an "ear candle"....a very long and thin wax candle that supposedly draws out the goo. All it did was make me laugh and it didn't work. Not even one little bit. So....consider this my advice on the subject.

DH gets very blocked up and is now using a simple spray of saline. You get it at the chemist and it's not toxic but it does tend to loosen things up a bit. I'm wary of the steroid treatments as well.

The quilt block is gorgeous. You're very talented. The colours and the patterns are so intricate and I can't begin to imagine how you make one of these!

Our school hols begin next Thursday. I have a few things mentally prepared for the kids to do but am anticipating many, "I'm bored"'s.

Lisa x

Tracy said...

I'd rather have my ear syringed, Lisa. Oh how I love that feeling after having a blocked ear!!!

My kids spend a lot of time saying "I'm bored" too. I don't know why....I've got lots of things I love to do on holidays!!!!