I had a sinkful yesterday, in more ways than one. It started off with a sink filled with dirty dishes. Four draining rack loads worth, to be precise. I'd like to think I could be philosophical about the help I asked for and did not receive. But to be honest, I think I must really be missing something huge in the philosophy of housework and responsibility.
Many years ago when I was able to use Flylady.net successfully, she advocated getting the housework done without the martyr syndrome that goes along with it. "Do it just because you love yourself and you are worth having a clean home" was her emphasis...it probably still is. At that stage of my life it was something I needed to learn. That housework is never finished and that I needed to want to do it, for my own benefit and not because I was doing it for anyone else.
Fast forward a few years and we have a household of people who are capable of doing their share. They're all capable of making a mess and they all know what to do to clean it up. I just don't understand the mindset that says "Mum has to drop whatever she's doing to assist everyone else, but noone needs to bother when she asks for help". I must've been wrong, I must not have needed help after all. How silly of me.
I need to run away for a couple of days....anyone want to join me?
Take me with you....seriously. :)
You're on Tina. I think my family wouldn't mind being rid of me either. Miss Sunshine told me I needed a good sleep so I wouldn't be grumpy. It's not lack of sleep that's the problem!
Yep I'm in! I'm so over not getting any help around here! Where are we going?! :)
Me too! Me tooooooo
I'd love to run away at the moment as well. I'm sick of the never ending housework!
I hear you lol. Now I make my two daughters do the dishes, one washes and one puts away. It just amazes me she just doesnt think the benches need wiping down. Oh well Im getting there slowly. One thing at a time. My house looks like a bomb today but I need to finish the book work. I really need two of me.
It is quite comforting to know I'm not a lonely soul in the grand scheme of housework!
I think a weekend in a cottage overlooking rolling green hills and a bubbling little river sounds like a perfect place to me.
With maid service, of course!
1. Yes, I want to run away! Let's go!
2. I've been having many of the same thoughts lately--so much to do around the house, why am I only the only one doing it? I'm trying to get better about getting the boys to help out. Jack is pretty good about doing chores when asked (never voluntarily, of course), but Will is still resistant, which makes it such a pain. Still, there's just too much to do around here for one person. Sadly, I think I'm the only one who cares whether the house is clean or not. Sigh ...
OK...cottage for six (and counting) it is LOL.
Frances, that would be the problem. No one else seems to care around here either, until it's not done.
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