I've just finished 'Havah: The Story of Eve' this morning so I could email off some questions for Rel to pass on to Tosca Lee. 'Havah' almost leaves me speechless, and yet I have so much I want to say. It's an odd juxtaposition. I sat staring at my screen trying to make my brain move beyond all I had read.
Tosca's writing is beautifully poetic. The book is thought provoking, challenging, evocative, tastefully subtle when necessary without losing any intended meaning. It is one of those books that will challenge almost everything you ever thought, about the story of Adam and Eve, and make you take a deeper, closer look.
I'm really looking forward to our book club discussion...I'm sure it will be an interesting night!!!
It won't be boring, that's for sure :)
I am curious to hear what others have to say, definitely. Tosca's character spotlight on Havah now makes so much more sense.
Tracy, thanks so much for reading Havah and for the thoughtful questions!
The pleasure and blessing is all mine! 'Havah' is an amazing book.
I too recently read Havah and also Demon, both are just wonderful!
This is my first visit to your lovely blog.
Blissful reading!
Welcome Annette!
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