Friday, 3 April 2009

All's Well that Ends Well

Parent/Teacher interviews went very well. I've got kids that teachers love. Praise the Lord. That was my biggest fear after having worked in a school office...being the parent no one wanted to see, or whose kids no one wanted to teach. Besides all that they are all trying their best and are approximately where they are supposed to be, academically. I've had two suggestions of having friends over for a play in the of whom is the Principal's daughter. That's just a whole new thing, isn't it. Phoning the Principal to organise a play date. Surreal. I hope I get his wife on the phone.

Miss Mischief's ear is just full of fluid. We'll be keeping Dimetapp in business with two doses a day, and then bring her back. Oh yes, this is the part of parenting that has me rolling my eyes and thinking that doctors have no idea anymore.


Left-Handed Housewife said...

It doesn't surprise me that teachers love your kids--after all, your kids have you for a mom!


Tracy said...

LOL Lucky for the teachers they see none of us when we're home!!!!!