Monday, 7 April 2008

Menu Planning Monday

Mom's Cookin' by Sharon Pedersen from

It's Monday ... I'm home ... I've done my menu. Is that some kind of a record?! It seems like the last few weeks have been all upside down LOL.

Here's what we're eating this week:

Monday: Vegetable Lasagna, not sure what we'll have with it yet
Tuesday: Pork & Apple Meatloaf, baked potatoes, carrots, cauliflower & broccoli
Wednesday: Honey & Orange Crumbed Chicken, vegies as for Tuesday
Thursday: Herbed Ricotta Fritters, steamed vegie au gratin
Friday: Creamy Bacon & Mushroom Pasta
Saturday: Zucchini Quiche, scallop potatoes, steamed carrots, broccoli, cauliflower
Sunday: Soup & English Muffin Pizzas

I'm going to try and remember to take photos this week ~ I might actually get around to posting some recipes!!


Tracy said...

I'd love to have the recipe for pork and apple meatloaf!

I said in my comments, but thought I'd leave the link here for you, too. I have my blog header custom made here:

She's very inexpensive, and really does a great job!

Tracy said...

Well, she does an amazing job! I'm going to go and check it out.

Vickie said...

wooooooahhh hold the setting I'm coming for cramy bacon anf mshroom pasta yummmooo
cheers Vickie

Anonymous said...

Sounds yummy as usual Tracy! I love your new profile pic, so pretty and so appropriate with the picket fence!

Love, Tina :)

Tracy said...

Welcome Vicki! I feel your pain over the shoes! I grew up in PNG and didn't wear anything but thongs for about 5 years. Coming back to Melbourne and needing to wear shoes was very trying!

You know, you could always stop by an op Shop when you get down here and see if there's something more your style...I promise it'll be way cheaper and they're already worn in ;-)

Yes Tina, I went on the hunt for a picket fence and found this pic with the pink flowers ~ PERFECT! If only it would fit nicely in the header title spot. I tried it and it was just a box in the middle...looked silly.