Monday 5 May 2008

Finally...Menu Planning Monday


It's been a fabulous Monday for me. I have had Miss Mischief's teacher and a fellow parent compliment me in the highest possible way...both suggesting that I have what it takes to be a teacher. I think I'll settle for facilitating parenting education programs instead ~ that's where my passions lie. However, it is immensely satisfying to know that my time and effort are appreciated and valuable to those I seek to encourage and serve.

So, in amongst all the time I spent at school in classrooms, and cutting up birthday cake for Miss Sunshine's 5/6 class, I DID manage to get this week's menu plan done. It looks rather lonely, with all those empty spaces for the rest of the month, but at least I can shop tomorrow, knowing what I will need!

Monday: Tuna & Rice
Tuesday: Pasta with Creamy Bacon & Mushroom Sauce
Wednesday: Vegetable Lasagna (with homemade pasta)
Thursday: Cottage Pie and garlic bread (recipe from Apples for Jam)
Friday: maybe, Spinach & Ricotta Cannelloni. Need to check with the child who is sleeping over that night
Saturday: Hamburgers (may just swap this with Friday, if that works)
Sunday: Lamb shank & Barley Soup

There you have it. At last! Simple, hopefully cheap, healthy and filling.


Michelle said...

Your menu sounds wonderful! I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind posting your recipe for Pasta with Creamy Bacon & Mushroom Sauce, it sounds delicious!

Thank you :)

Laura said...

Wow that sounds delicious!! I just saw the recipe you posted as well, YUMMY!!


Tracy said...

Thanks Laura :) It's good to officially join you in menu planning!