Thursday 15 May 2008

Thought Worthy Quotes

I use 'Our Daily Bread' for my devotions. This week, two quotes that have provoked my thoughts are these:

"We shape tomorrow's world by what we teach our children today."

"Those who let God provide will always be satisfied."

Each is rather profound, in its own way, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

Most definitely profound!! I love the first one especially. Something to keep in front of us and spur us on when we have the 'not so great' days.

Dianne said...

Very profound Words of Wisdom and I agree with both thoughts.

There are so many children out there whose parents are not teaching them anything of worth and it is so sad to see.

Tracy said...

Absolutely Fi....the 'not so great' days seem to happen so often, too!

Dianne, isn't it a shame? I wish that part of being pregnant was to focus on life beyond the birth! One thing no one tells you when you're having a baby is that you need to think about what you will pass on to your children!