The picture above will give you a hint about our weather in the past week. Autumn, foggy, very cool. It's the beginning of that cozy season where reading in front of the fireplace would be the perfect thing to do. I plan to do that more this winter!
So what's been happening around here? Heaps! Miss Mischief declared me "tired of being happy" the other day. My how I laughed!
Mr Busy has celebrated his 10th birthday. He had to bake something for homework this week, so he made mini honey joys to share with his friends and heaps of the staff. The Principal had his at 8.20am! Birthday's and baking makes it quite the challenge to get out the door in time, but we did. He had his party last night. Oh My! A house full of smelly, boisterous boyness is something else after the quieter tones of a house dominated by big sisters. But he has beautiful friends whom I adore. They were so much fun to have.
Mr Busy and I are both excited about his camp next week. And I am excited about early plans for Year 5/6 camp next term, which I found out this week I must also attend. I went on this camp two years ago with my girls when they were both in 5/6 so I know how much fun it will be. One of the boys who was here last night absolutely lit up when he found out I was coming on his camp too.
I'm also excited about some plans for next year. I'll not say much more than that for now. Suffice it to say that it will require some challenges for me personally, and as a family no doubt....but I am excited.
Not to be accused of putting an unrealistic positive spin on everything, all that excitement has been tempered with some challenges that have burdened my heart. I've spent much time in prayer, this week, for the children in Miss Sunshine's class. Things came to a bit of a head for Miss Sunshine this week, fortunately, right at a time when her teacher was available to chat with her and I about her concerns. It is so hard to watch your daughter struggle so and know that there is no easy solution. I've shed my fair share of tears for her. And her teacher. Her teacher is an amazing young woman who cares deeply and sheds her share of tears over 'her' kids too. She has wisdom beyond her years and is so gentle and gracious. I know she aches over the challenges of her class but she is so perfect for the task.
And my last frustration for the week. I've waiting for WEEKS for my next group of subjects to arrive from College. For those of you who pray, would you pray that everything arrives quickly. There seems to be a problem with packages that come directly from the External Studies team office, and the Bookshop is just plain slow. I'm also not getting much response from the External Studies team when I email or phone. I am starting to wonder if there is some kind of spiritual thing going on there.
There you go ~ that's the week that has been. Sorry about the novel-length epistle....I think I'm making up for the lack of posting all week long!
Ah, autumn! We are sauntering toward summer here--me with mixed feelings, as always.
Sorry to hear that Miss Sunshine is having troubles at school--but so happy to hear she has a sympathetic, compassionate teacher. That will make all the difference.
Summer isn't my favourite thing either...but I'm loving Autumn!
Miss Sunshine will be OK, I think. It just doesn't help that this is the year that they turn 14. That year is always a challenge.
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