I know Christmas is over, but I had some leftover fruit mince stashed away in the freezer. The idea of little fruit mince pies appealed to me yesterday, and so here they are.
Because I'm having a few little problems with wheat at the moment, I decided to give Maggie Beer's sour cream pastry a go, using gluten free flour. The pastry came together fine, but it was a tad on the difficult side to work with. However, I did manage to accomplish what I set out to and will enjoy the fruits of my labours for the next week or so...one pie at a time. They don't really look so pretty, but they certainly taste good to me. Maggie Beer's fruit mince recipe is absolutely delicious.
I'm pondering now, my luncheon options for today. We have some friends coming for lunch. I'm thinking the kids might enjoy sandwiches made from lavash flat bread. A burst of colourful flavour is always so much more appealing than an ordinary sandwich! I also have a loaf of bread in the bread machine for the 5yo who is likely to declare "But I don't want that"...vegemite sandwiches are always the way to his heart. For us grown ups, I have some roasted capsicum and feta in the fridge...I might roast some mini roma tomatoes and make a warm pasta salad ~ with gluten free pasta. My friend has also gone back to a wheat free diet. We make a good pair, I think!
I also need to come up with something to take for a shared lunch next Wednesday. My criteria? Very inexpensive, healthy, simple. I don't want much, do I?
your mince pies look very yummy....i must say .....
have you ever heard of a friendship cake that takes 30 days to prepare ????
No I haven't Jenni....30 days. I just don't if I'm that patient. It surely would take a lot of forethought to get it done if you wanted it for some special occasion!
Oh yummy, can I come over to your place?? :)
Now wouldn't that top off a yummy treat ~ a special friend to share it with. Would you like a pot of tea or a pot of coffee to go with it?
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