Sunday 7 June 2015

Stories of Faith

A few years ago, now, I discovered that I am a real story girl.  Studying Genesis for a year, followed by studying Romans for a year showed me that I connect more deeply with people's stories.  Today in our church we are getting to hear people's stories.  This morning we had four people sharing, and somehow or another I ended up being one of them.  What a privilege and responsibility to share our stories, be vulnerable with our communities and speak Truth about how God changes us, no matter where we are in our faith journey.

What I learnt this morning is that when you share a part of yourself people share some little corners of themselves with you, in return.  I got to have some little conversations with people who were deeply touched because something of my story was echoed in theirs.  We are more the same than different, aren't we?

This morning I shared about my experience with loss and grief and deep wounds from two significant, specific experiences.  The game-changer for me?  Psalm 103:1-6.  At the end of working through my stuff and having some prayer ministry, and having precious friends walk that very difficult and painful journey towards healing, it was those verses that made me realise I didn't have to be burdened by the weight of what had so wounded me.  Those verses reminded me of how God had already given me freedom and victory - all I had to do was exchange my wounds for freedom and victory and live like a free, victorious person.  It was easy once I was ready to hand it over!

We are not normally inclined to going to church in the morning and the evening, but I think today is one of those rare days where I can't help myself.  We have four different people sharing tonight, and if this morning is anything to go by it will be so worth it.

Weirdest part of the morning?  Hearing myself on the intro video.  That is the most bizarre sound in the world!

So, in your journey of faith, what was your game-changer?


Tiny Toadstool Cottage said...

What a blessing! Isn't it amazing when connections like that occur? I agree that we are more the same than different, we just don't know all that is going on in someone else's life or their thoughts.
I guess my game-changer would be when I truly came to faith. I was raised in an anti God environment so I am the only one in my family who has come to faith. I had 'found' God, believed, prayed, but one day I read a devotional that said Jesus wants to know me. It went into more detail than that, but that was the essence of it. I was blown away - Jesus wanted to know ME personally?! And he loved ME?! For some reason, this had never come to my attention before. And it was amazing! I still cannot attend church, so when I read posts like yours about the wonderful fellowship you have, it is sad for me. But I talk to people online and read lots of blogs and bible studies online. And that is where I am at the moment - maybe it will change one day. I always pray Jeremiah 29:11 - His plans are the best! Even if we don't understand them.
Sorry, bit of a long reply to your question! But your post really moved me - thank you.

Tracy said...

Hey Jayne - thanks for sharing your story. How awesome to have that revelation, that Jesus loves you and wants to know you in such a personal and intimate way. It always amazes me, the truths we seem to be oblivious to until they smack us in the face….and then how they change the game for us completely. So amazing and profound. My prayer for you is that your faith will bless your entire family and that your faithfulness will bear the fruit of salvation in your family. God wants them for himself too!

Tiny Toadstool Cottage said...

Thanks so much, Tracy - that is my prayer also, particularly for my hubby.