By the time I head off for work today, I have a list of things I want to have completed:
- Go for a walk ~ it's doing my back the world of good
- Make a potato salad to take for a combined lunch
- Dust, vacuum, sweep and mop the floors
Something not too ambitious, certainly, is the feeding of a hungry family. Well....perhaps, at times, it is ambitious. My appetite has been waylaid down at sea level so the kids have been making up for me! My goodness they can eat.
We've managed to have two meals that were spontaneously hijacked from my menu plan, so my kangaroo lasagna is still awaiting its tryout. Since we went out and were given the exact meal I planned for Sunday, I think we'll have it then. Jacket potatoes with a variety of toppings is not so fun eaten 6 days apart!
Monday: Ricotta Fritters, salad, potato
Tuesday: Australia Day ~ BBQ sausages and pork ribs, salad
Wednesday: Gnocchi with bacon & mushroom sauce
Thursday: Chicken with Rosemary, pinenuts & verjuice (from Maggie's Harvest)
Friday: Crispy fish in chilli sauce, rice, stir fried vegies
Saturday: Sloppy Joe's, salad
Sunday: Let's try again for lasagna!
There. Off to work on that to-do list before I head out. Dh has a 'honey-do' list of his own while I'm at work. Like mowing lawns and arranging for repairs to the caravan before our next camping trip! Mr Busy will enjoy mowing with his Dad.
I think I'm going to make a regular lasagna and call it "kangaroo lasagna" just because the very idea of kangaroo lasagna tickles me so.
ROFL Frances...you are SO funny!
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