I've learned something about myself over the past two years. I am not a raging carnivore. Don't get me wrong, I would miss it if I never got to eat meat, but I'm really happy not to eat it too. The trouble with that is that the alternative - legumes - are not my friends. I don't mind eating them, but then I don't want to be near me. Which is pretty much inescapable!
We have had a bit of back-and-forward tussle in our house over things like couscous and quinoa. I enjoy them; my family does not. Until last night. Inspired by a recipe from "Jamie's 15 Minute Meals" and a lunch I was served on a PD (Independent Schools Victoria completely spoil their seminar attendees!) I decided to try a quinoa salad. My goal? An ecstatic moan-inducing salad. No pressure, right?
This salad? Life-changing!
I cooked a cup of raw quinoa and half a cup pearl couscous using the absorption method in chicken stock, and then mixed that with:
- toasted pinenuts
- diced oranges
- finely sliced spring onions
- fried and diced haloumi (the haloumi I got from Costco - amazing!)
- finely chopped parsley
After mixing it together I dressed it with the juice of a lemon and a good drizzle of olive oil.
I would have added avocado but mine weren't ripe yet, and if you preferred you could use feta.
All of my non-quinoa people enjoyed this salad. Guess what's for lunch this week?!