Every now and then the issue of telling the truth raises itself in the lives of our children. Mr Busy was the one to learn the lesson yesterday.
As is often the case, it was over something quite insignificant in the grand scheme of life. A drink of hot chocolate for which permission was not requested nor granted. It should have been a simple matter of admitting to the error and moving on, but instead he chose to lie. Silly really - which is often the case with my children - there was a witness and evidence, yet the lie continued. After some time in his room we had a chat.
After explaining how disappointed I was we talked about where lies come from and what God expects of us. I reminded him that I try very hard not to lie to him and that I expect the same in return. The gravity of his actions hit home, however, when I explained that he was being disciplined more harshly for his lie than if he had told the truth and was punished for not following the rules of our home. Not only that but he would now need to rebuild the trust that he had broken. His tears told me that he understood that this is the greater tragedy.
That repentant heart earned my cherished young son a cuddle and reassurance of how much he is loved. A defiant heart does not allow for restoration of the broken relationship so immediately, if ever. It made me think about how God wants us to respond to His discipline. Not just about the issue of lying, but about all kinds of things. I am reminded that even as adults we need to be willing to heed the discipline we experience so that our relationship with God is restored. Completely.
It is a precious day when children are able to truly see the error of their ways through a lovingly firm talk
Good job, Mum!
You handled this situation beautifully, Tracy--the reprimand, the lesson, and the love. It is funny how children (and I was the same) will lie and end up in more trouble than if they'd just owned up to their transgression. A good lesson!
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