Our yard has gone from looking scraggly and unloved to beautiful in one morning. I love watching Mr Busy out there. Under his Daddy's watchful eye, those daisies, that were nearly as tall as he, were bravely cut down to size in a very ordered fashion....mowing in a square from the outside of the yard to the centre. I think it's the only ordered thing he did all day. He spent the rest of his time being quite scatty.
For my part, I napped on the couch....penance for a late night. And then I stitched between dishes and grocery shopping.
We had our first experience with Wii yesterday. Well...not the children, of course. They manage to find ways to play with these things, despite our lack succumbing to leisure technology. Dh and I had our first experience! We had dinner with some friends, who had us flapping our way from buoy to buoy and eventually landing on a boat. At an hour far too late for children, we realised the time and flapped our way home...well...not literally, but I'm sure a little flapping might be considered quite useful in getting up that driveway!
Your yard looks beautiful ... just as ours is turning brown. I'm already dreaming of next spring's garden. Easier to dream than to dig!
That's an art.com pic!!! LOL But, our grass is still green right now. Not for much longer I'd say.
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