I am thinking that dresses will be nice and cool and perhaps a little more flattering than trousers for this summer. The other day I came across this pattern and fell in love with the E & K combination. The pattern is one where you can choose from 9 different tops and then choose a straight skirt or a fuller skirt. It will suit evening events, every day wear...whatever I can find the fabric to suit to an occasion I suspect! Well...if I can find anything worth making up. Why is it that Spotlight and Lincraft have huge amounts of fabric, and very little of it is something you'd actually wear?!
Now to get a hold of the pattern while Spotlight are selling them for $5.99 each. Yes, that's right!!! Burda, Kwik Sew and New Look are all going cheap until 2 November if you're a VIP member (free to join). Guess where I'm off to tonight?!
If only I could sew - sigh!
Brilliant Tracy, thanks for that! I may have to pop in and have a little look.
Oooh, I can't wait to see what you're going to make! I hope you keep us posted Tracy! :)
I have finally tracked down the pattern. I think I have a nice piece of fabric buried somewhere here.
Someone please explain to me why the two huge fabric stores I've been to this week have NOTHING worth buying?!!!
Trace, thanks for the spotlight tip. I have a few moments sans babes tomorrow to browse at my leisure! That's a really nice dress pattern. I was in Target the other day, and it looks as if dresses are back big time this year. Lisa x
Yes, and there are even some around this season with a strap wider than the spaghetti strap ... a useless thing for me and many of my favourite friends. It was very reassuring to know I'm not alone in that!
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