The first one is my copy of the 'The Complete Tightwad Gazette' by Amy Dacyczyn. Amy is very inspiring in the lengths that she has gone to, to achieve the lifestyle that her family desired. I have read it cover to cover and less constantly now, but I often delve into it for some gem of information or recipe that I require. You can't get this book in Australia so I had to carefully weigh up whether it was worth the hassle and expense of exchange rates and charges etc. It definitely was. If nothing else, I felt that it gave me permission to be my own person and not try and live to what society tells us we should desire. Of course, it is full of great ideas and interesting food for thought on all things frugal. Given what we then went through financially, this has been a very valuable resource to have on my shelf.
The second one is newer to me. Again, after much deliberation on the value of obtaining a book I couldn't thumb through to find out if I felt it was worth it, I had my BIL bring this one back with him when they came over for Christmas just over a year ago. I'm so glad I did, and that he was willing to bring it over with him. 'Nourishing Traditions' by Sally Fallon has completely turned my ideas of good nutrition on its head. I feel like I am far better informed on nutrition than I could have ever been without it! I never knew that low fat dairy was devoid of much of the good nutrition it should have, or that saturated animal fats are needed....or that the high use of vegetable fats and hydrogenated oils are more likely to be the cause of high cholesterol and heart disease than a bit of fat on your meat, or cream on your dessert (if you were so lucky to have dessert, that is!). This is one I would very highly recommend. I haven't read it cover to cover ~ but I do pick it up and read it while having breaky from time to time and glean a little more that improves our nutrition and health. It takes me a bit to 'digest' (ha ha) all that it has to offer. Plus I'm learned how to prepare foods so that we get the most out of them. There is just sooooo much in there!
Thanks for the information on these books, Tracy. I will see if we can get them here. Sounds like there is a lot of valuable information in them.
I LOVE the Tightwad Gazette! I don't have it on my shelf, but a friend loaned it to me several years ago and I read every single page.
I would love to get a copy of the Tightwad Gazette, it sounds great! I'm going to do some research and see if I can get it here...thanks for sharing.
Love, Tina :)
I love the Tightwad Gazette too!
Will have to see if I can track down the other one - it sounds very interesting.
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